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Fire Emblem Engage Stats Explained: What Do They Mean

Here is what each character and weapon stat in Fire Emblem Engage means.
Fire Emblem Engage Stats Explained: What Do They Mean

Fire Emblem Engage, the new tactical RPG, features over 30 characters and eight types of weapons that will unlock at different levels. Now to dominate, you will have to choose the best ones, and while you can try out every character and weapon before landing on your favorites, it is a tiring task.

In this case, you can take the help of various characters and weapon stats to make a quick decision and start enjoying the game quickly. Here are all the character and weapon stats in Fire Emblem Engage and what each of them mean.

Fire Emblem Engage Stats Explained

Fire Emblem Engage Stats Explained
Fire Emblem Engage Stats Explained. (Picture: Nintendo)

Fire Emblem Engage Character Stats

  • Build (BLD): Prevents heavy weapons from slowing attack speed.
  • Defense (DEF): Reduces damage from physical attacks.
  • Dexterity (DEX): It determines the hit rate and frequency of critical hits of the character.
  • Luck (LCK): Has various effects, including lowering risk of enemy criticals.
  • Magic (MAG): Affects damage the unit deals with magical attacks.
  • Movement (Mov): Determines how many spaces a unit can move.
  • Overall Health (HP): The unit is defeated if this reaches 0.
  • Rating: The sum of the unit's key stats (Basic Stats + Bld + Emblem).
  • Resistance (RES): Reduces damage from magical attacks.
  • Speed (SPD): Contributes to Avo. If greater than or equal to foe's Spd+5, unit strikes twice.
  • Strength (STR): Affects damage the unit deals with physical attacks.

Fire Emblem Engage Weapon Stats

  • Avoid Rate (AVO): Determines the odds of evading an attack.
  • Critical Rate (CRIT): Determines the odds of landing a critical hit (triple damage)
  • Dodge (DDG): Determines the odds of avoiding a critical hit.
  • Hit Rate (HIT): The unit's attack power using a magic weapon.
  • Magical Attack (MAG ATK): The unit's attack power using a magic weapon.
  • Physical Attack (PH ATK): The unit's attack power using a physical weapon.
  • Range (RNG): The distance from which your unit can attack an enemy unit.

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