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Are Texas Chain Saw 2 Movie Characters Coming To The Game?

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre game contains many popular characters, but what about those from TCSM 2?
Are Texas Chain Saw 2 Movie Characters Coming To The Game?
Image Via Cannon Releasing

Gun Media's Texas Chain Saw Massacre game has been a huge hit with horror fans, with many players comparing it to the ever-popular 4v1 asymmetrical horror Dead by Daylight. Part of its popularity owes to its iconic characters; players can join a match as Leatherface or Drayton Sawyer (The Cook), and come face-to-face with Grandpa.

Despite TCSM's wide range of character options, some characters are notably missing from the TCSM game: those from Texas Chain Saw Massacre Part 2. If you're wondering whether characters like Chop-Top Sawyer will ever be in Texas Chain Saw Massacre, here's what we know.

Will Texas Chain Saw Massacre 2 Characters Be In The Game?

While there aren't any Texas Chain Saw Massacre 2 characters in Gun Media's game adaptation of the iconic film franchise, that doesn't mean they won't be added in the future. However, the game's developers mentioned that licensing proves to be a major obstacle in adding new content; Gun Media only has the rights to the first movie.

"We only have the rights to the 1974 film. That's the deal that was brought to the table for us," Gun Media President Wes Keltner said in an interview with GameSpot. "Different companies own the rights to each of the different films. So it's not picking up the phone and saying like, 'I'll take one [Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2], please' and they just send it to you. There's multiple entities and you have to track down who has retained the title."

While the studio isn't yet able to add a Texas Chain Saw Massacre Part 2 DLC due to the licensing limitations, they did express interest in creating one if given the opportunity. Keltner described Texas Chain Saw Massacre 2 as "theatrical and over-the-top," further calling it a "fun" and "tongue-in-cheek" experience. 

While Texas Chain Saw Massacre 2 characters aren't yet available in the TCSM game and it doesn't seem a DLC is in the works because of licensing issues, that doesn't mean Chop-Top Sawyer and other fan-favorites are never coming to Gun Media's adaptation. It's possible that Gun Media could work out a licensing deal with the license owners of the other films, allowing them to work these characters into the game. Considering the game's widespread success, this seems like an even more likely possibility.

For now, though, players can choose from a wide variety of killers and survivors from the first Texas Chain Saw Massacre game - including Leatherface himself - as well as many original characters that fit perfectly into the franchise's lore and style.