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PlayStation Exclusive COD Skin Sneaks its Way to Xbox After Merger

A Playstation-exclusive skin has made its way into the games of various Xbox Call of Duty Warzone and Modern Warfare 2 players, and here's what you need to know about what could mean.
PlayStation Exclusive COD Skin Sneaks its Way to Xbox After Merger

As we approach the launch of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, all attention is focused on Activision, particularly following its recent merger with Microsoft. Given the heightened scrutiny on both the company and the game, it's not surprising that the unexpected appearance of what was originally intended as an exclusive PlayStation skin on Xbox player's screens has raised some questions.

If you're aware of the recent exclusive PlayStation skins and are curious about why Xbox players are now encountering them in the game, you're in the right place. Below, we will discuss the unexpected presence of the exclusive PlayStation skins in the game for Xbox Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 players.

Playstation Exclusive Skin Appears on Xbox

To recap, at the beginning of Modern Warfare 2's launch, PlayStation received an exclusive skin known as the Hiro "Oni" Watanabe Operator Skin. This exclusivity was set to last until October 27th, one week before the release of MW3, after which it would become available to all players who transitioned to the new title.

Now, oddly enough, both Xbox and PC players are reporting that the Oni skin is appearing on their Operator screens after The Haunting event started. According to reports on social media, the skin is showing up in inventories for both MW2 and Warzone, which many players believe to be a glitch, but it has some Playstation players worried.

Given the recent merger between Microsoft/Xbox and Activision, some PlayStation players are concerned that moving this skin to Xbox could signal the beginning of a trend where Xbox gains exclusive content. However, Xbox's head, Phil Spencer, has publicly stated multiple times that no exclusive features will be added to their platform, in hopes of creating an environment that allows for "100% parity across all platforms".

PlayStation Exclusive Skin Appears On Xbox meaning for future
The appearance of this skin is likely a bug, and we hope it's acting as a slight preview for the even distribution of future COD content across all platforms. (Picture: Activision)

Considering this, it appears more likely that the Oni operator skin, which was once exclusive, is simply the initial step in leveling the playing field and ensuring that neither console isolates players with exclusive content based on their console choice. The early appearance of the Oni skin might just be a bug, but it also serves as an early indication that Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 will mark the start of full cross-platform inclusivity for the franchise in the years ahead.

For more Call of Duty news, be sure to check out our dedicated section or some of our MW2 Guides & Tutorials below:

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