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The best Grau 5.56 loadout in Warzone Season 4

The Grau is still a reliable option in Season 4.
The best Grau 5.56 loadout in Warzone Season 4

No matter the season or state of Warzone, it seems the Grau 5.56 is always a constant in the meta. While it might not be at the top anymore like it was at the beginning of the battle royale, it still presents a steady option for players. If there’s one gun that players can fall back on, it’s the Grau. 

Raven Software decided not to make any changes to the Grau in Season 4, which is probably a good thing. If the developers decided to buff it, the Grau might take over Warzone as it did for the first half of 2020. However, if they nerfed it, then the rifle might not be used ever again thanks to the influx of new meta weapons. 

As such, its loadout from past seasons still holds up and doesn’t need to be changed much. To get a look at that loadout, keep reading below. 

Best Grau 5.56 loadout in Warzone Season 4

Best Grau loadout for Warzone Season 4The Grau 5.56 has been a popular weapon in Warzone since the beginning. (Picture: Activision)

The Grau 5.56 is a jack-of-all-trades rifle in Warzone. It has reliable damage, accuracy and range that makes it one of the better choices in the AR category. However, to compete with the rifles above it in the meta, its loadout needs to maximize damage over anything. This becomes especially necessary after Raven Software decided to buff some of the Black Ops Cold War rifle attachments for Season 4. 

  • Muzzle: Monolithic Suppressor
  • Barrel: Tempus 26.4” Archangel
  • Underbarrel: Commando Foregrip
  • Ammunition: 60 Round Mags
  • Rear Grip: Stippled Grip Tape

The recommended loadout for the Grau ensures it gets a damage bump with the Archangel barrel. This also increases range, giving the rifle more of a fighting chance against something like the Krig 6. 

However, we’ve also given the Grau some extra capability at close range with the Stippled Grip Tape. SMG players will have a much harder time bringing you down now that you can bring your weapon up 30% faster. The rest of the loadout is as standard as it gets but keeps the Grau as steady and reliable as can be. 

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