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DayZ 1.25 Patch Notes: All Update Changes

The 1.25 update for DayZ has finally arrived. Here's the full list of changes, fixes, and additions to the game with this latest patch.
DayZ 1.25 Patch Notes: All Update Changes

DayZ will traditionally release 4 or 5 big updates to the game every year, and whilst these updates to the stable version of the game are fairly infrequent, the number of updates applied to the experimental servers - where new features are tested ahead of their official release - are a lot more regular. Regardless of what version of the game you play though, it's always worth keeping track of the patch notes to see every small change that the developers at Bohemia Interactive are making to the game. 

Some of these might seem relatively minor, but in the survival sandbox, every small tweak could have huge repercussions. From nerfing certain guns, increasing the time to use a bandage or even making your boots louder to fellow players. Every change matters. So it's important you have a read of the most recent patch notes to know what's going on in the game. Without further ado, here's the latest info on the DayZ Patch Notes.

27 May 2024 Update - Page updated with the latest DayZ patch notes.

DayZ 1.25 Update Patch Notes



  • The Livonia terrain is now part of the core game
  • VS-89 rifle and magazine
  • Support for game crash reporter
  • In-game ambient soundtrack



  • Items located inside of nested containers are no longer accessible through the quick bar or the reload key
  • Reworked the sound sets for all shotguns shots
  • Reworked the sound set for the crossbow shots
  • Reworked the sound set for the M79 grenade launcher shots
  • Adjusted the attenuation of character action sounds
  • Reworked character reconciliation between client and server
  • Updated the game credits
  • Reduced the width of the weapon collection triggers to allow more natural behavior of the weapon lifting
  • Removed promotional Livonia DLC highlighting
  • Optimized the system greatly behind noise system reducing drops in server performance when AI is around many dynamic objects or there is AI grouped together attacking a player


  • Added: Server config parameter 'networkObjectBatchUseEstimatedBandwidth' to switch between the method of replication limiter. Enabled means it will use an estimated bandwidth sent and disabled means it will use the true bandwidth (recommended disabled)
  • Added: Server config parameter 'networkObjectBatchUseDynamic
    MaximumBandwidth' to choose if the bandwidth limit should be a percentage of the maximum bandwidth or an absolute value. The maximum bandwidth can fluctuate depending on network quality
  • Added: Server config parameter
    'networkObjectBatchEnforceBandwidthLimits' to enable the replication limiter based on bandwidth (default disabled)
  • Added: Server config parameter 'networkObjectBatchBandwidthLimit', if above is enabled, the range is (0, 1). If above is disabled, the range is (1000, inf). Recommended is 0.8 and 20000 respectively
  • Fixed: Server crash when running out of loot points to spawn items (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179664 - private)
  • Fixed: CfgGameplay: Values set for 'rotationSpeedJog' or 'rotationSpeedSprint' would not synchronize to clients resulting in stuttering movement (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178103
  • Fixed: Spawning ammopile types into weapons with inner magazines via json loadouts was not fucntioning properly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179268)
  • Changed: Server config parameter 'networkObjectBatchSend' split into 'networkObjectBatchSendCreate' and 'networkObjectBatchSendDelete'
  • Changed: Improved replication statistics in server debug window on diag builds
  • Changed: DayZ client will no longer use hardcoded port 2304 and up but use OS assigned ports instead
    • Added: Server config parameter "clientPort" to assign connecting clients a specific port e.g. "clientPort = 2304;" (Documentation)
    • Added: Possibility to add steam query port of a server to connect parameter to query if they have a custom client port "-connect=IP:PORT:QUERY" -> "-connect="
    • Changed: In-game server browser also uses the new connect format to automatically query for and apply the custom port
    • Changed: Launcher now uses the new connect format, since "-port=" overrides port used by the client which is not desired (-port= functionality is untouched)


  • Added: 'Math3D.IntersectRayPlane'
  • Added: 'Math3D.MatrixInverse3'/
  • Added: 'Pawn' class with full feature set of functions
  • Added: 'PawnMove' and 'PawnState' class
  • Added: 'PlayerIdentity.Possess(Pawn)' to possess a Pawn
  • Added: Security: Config parameter 'hasHistory' per entity type to allow tracking of the entity as it may move throughout the world, otherwise only current position is used
  • Fixed: Object creation on remote clients would update the last value synchronized for clients that had already had the Object created
  • Changed: Moved calls to 'OnVehicleSeatDriverEnter' and 'OnVehicleSeatDriverLeft' from script to native, 'OnVehicleSeatDriverLeft' is now called when getting out starts instead of when the command ends
  • Changed: 'Human.LinkToLocalSpaceOf' will now internally call 'UnlinkFromLocalSpace' if 'Human' is already parented and prevent linking if already parented to the same entity
  • Changed: 'DayZPlayerTypeRegisterItems' now gets called when (re)joining servers

For more DayZ news, be sure to check out our dedicated section or take a look at some of our Guides & Tutorials just below:


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