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Warzone Sniper tier list - All Sniper Rifles ranked for Season 3 Reloaded

This tier list details the best Sniper and Marksman Rifles in Warzone Pacific Season 3 Reloaded (2022).
Warzone Sniper tier list - All Sniper Rifles ranked for Season 3 Reloaded

The latest Call of Duty: Warzone Pacific mid-season update released on 26th May 2022 boasts a plethora of changes, including fixes to the Ricochet anti-cheat, quality of life improvements, and an array of weapon balance changes in Warzone Season 3 Reloaded.

In total, developer Raven Software ushered nerfs and buffs to 47 weapons, including three marksman rifles and eleven sniper rifles, massively affecting the gun meta. Beyond this, the developers changed several attachments, so naturally, players wonder which guns are still viable to use in Caldera or Rebirth this season.

Fortunately, we have you covered with this tier list, detailing the strongest and most broken sniper rifles in Warzone Pacific Season 3 Reloaded. We've ranked all sniper and marksman rifles from best to worst, taking into account individual weapon balance changes and performance in the meta.

Warzone Season 3 Reloaded  (2022) Sniper & Marksman Tier List

cod warzone pacific season 3 reloaded sniper rifle tier list
Warzone Pacific Season 3 Reloaded (2022) brought several balance changes to the sniper and marksman rifle class. (Picture: Activision)

Sniper or marksman rifles are typically used over long ranges and wield tremendous power, often capable of killing enemies with just one bullet. Unsurprisingly, these weapons require an exceptional degree of skill; however, perhaps more important is knowing which of these to use.

Description of the tiers

  • S-Tier: These sniper rifles are considered "meta" weapons and don't necessarily require special upgrades or attachments to eliminate enemies.
  • A-Tier: While perhaps not considered the best, A-tier sniper rifles shred enemies to pieces and are robust and viable choices to use, especially when paired with a solid loadout.
  • B-Tier: These mid-tier weapons require the perfect loadout to compete with players wielding S- or A-tier sniper rifles, so use them with caution. 
  • C-Tier: These weapons should be used situationally and lack comparable damage and accuracy to the other tiers.
  • D-Tier: The trash tier. Don't pick up these weapons, even if there aren't other options. 

Note: This tier list will be ranked based on the latest Warzone Pacific Season 3 Reloaded patch. The goal is to create the most accurate tier list that reflects the current meta, but all lists will have some differences depending on perspective. Weapons stylized in bold denote those that received balance changes this season.


best sniper rifle warzone pacific season 3 reloaded 2022 3-line rifle
The 3-Line Rifle is possibly the best sniper rifle in Warzone Season 3 Reloaded. (Picture: Activision)

Following a string of buffs, including a 6.76% increase in bullet velocity, a reduction in bullet drop-off, a boost to Sprint to Fire, and several attachment buffs, the 3-Line Rifle is arguably the best sniper rifle to use in Warzone Pacific Season 3 Reloaded.

Although Raven Software hit the HDR and ZRG 20mm with minor nerfs, chiefly, increased bullet drop-off and reduced upper torso damage multiplier, respectively, they remain uncontested S-tier weapons this season.


warzone season 3 reloaded 2022 a-tier weapon tier list m82
The M82 received several buffs and is thus an A-tier sniper rifle in Warzone Season 3 Reloaded. (Picture: Activision)
  • M82 *
  • Kar98k (VG) ~
  • Kar98k (MW)
  • Type 99 ~
  • LW3 Tundra

The M82 climbs to the A-tier following a massive max damage increase, from 102 to 125. Additionally, the M82 boasts a 2.4 headshot damage multiplier and now one-shots to the head within max damage range. Therefore, the M82 is a solid option to include in your Warzone Season 3 Reloaded arsenal.

Notably, several attachments for the Type 99 received balance changes, which might affect some players' loadouts. Likewise, the Kar98k (VG) also received some balance changes, namely a Frenzy Weapon Perk, a slight increase to max damage range, and several attachment changes. Neither of these changes is remarkable, though.


warzone season 3 reloaded sniper tier list
The AX-50 hitscan bug has been fixed, leaving it a solid B-tier weapon this season. (Picture: Activision)
  • K31 Swiss
  • Pelington 703 *
  • AX-50 *
  • Dragunov *
  • Rytec AMR *

Despite being buffed in previous seasons, the K31 Swiss fails to impress compared to other S-tier and A-tier sniper rifles. So instead, it's demoted to the B-tier pending more substantial balance changes.

Interestingly, the Dragunov and Rytec AMR received significant buffs, promoting them to the B-tier. In particular, the Modern Warfare Sniper Rifle Alpha received a max damage range increase from 1375 to 1600. Similarly, the Rytec AMR now one-shots to the head within the max damage range (59.1 meters).

The AX-50 remains in the B-tier despite some players benefiting from a hitscan bug, which has since been fixed. Unfortunately, the AX-50 was also hit with a 5.13% reduction in bullet velocity, further condemning it to mediocrity, at least for now.

Finally, the Pelington 703 also received a nerf, decreasing its damage range to 43.2 meters, down from 48.3 meters. Still, it remains in the B-tier as we feel it might still be viable against other options with the right loadout in Warzone Season 3 Reloaded.


warzone season 3 reloaded sniper rifle tier list
These C-tier weapons require an exceptional loadout to shine in Warzone Season 3 Reloaded. (Picture: Activision)
  • M1916 *
  • SVT-40 *
  • M1 Garand *
  • EBR-14
  • MK2 Carbine
  • SP-R 208
  • SKS
  • R1 Shadowhunt

The M1916, SVT-40, and M1 Garand all received buffs this season; however, these were not comparable enough to earn them spots in the tiers above. In particular, the damage buffs they each received were marginal, increasing by only 2 or 3 base points, with just a 6-8% increase in bullet velocity.


sniper warzone tier list season 3 reloaded 2022
The Crossbow is still a joke weapon in Warzone Season 3 Reloaded. (Picture: Activision)
  • Gewehr-43
  • Gorenko Anti Tank Rifle *
  • EBR-14
  • Crossbow

The lines are somewhat blurred between weapons in the C- and D-tier. While these are perhaps not exactly "trash tier," we would instead stress caution if deciding to use these weapons this season.

So there you have it, our tier list of all Snipers at the start of Warzone Season 3 Reloaded, ranked from best to worst. Disagree with our list? We don't care. If you're looking for more disappointment, then be sure to check out our AR tier list.

For more game content, check out our section dedicated to Call of Duty news and updates, gun guides, loadouts, leaks, and much more.


Featured image courtesy of Activision.

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