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Infamous Warzone invisible players glitch returns with Season 4 Reloaded

Once again, the Warzone invisible players glitch, but or exploit has returned to Verdansk, this time following the Season 4 Reloaded update.
Infamous Warzone invisible players glitch returns with Season 4 Reloaded

Just like someone with an old knee injury experiences the pain in the winter months, so does Call of Duty: Warzone players experience the sting of the invisible player glitch or bug, returning as seasons change. The infamous Warzone invisible player glitch has now returned at the launch of Warzone Season 4 Reloaded to haunt Verdansk once again. 

Warzone Season 4 Reloaded invisibility glitch

Previously, the developers had to remove the Attack Helicopter, and the Armoured Truck on separate occasions in different seasons to stop the Warzone invisible player glitch. It also appeared in Rebirth Island of all places, and now, with the release of Warzone Season 4 Reloaded, it is back with a vengeance.

Warzone invisible players glitch bug exploit invisibility season 4 reloaded
(Picture: JGOD / Activision)

At the time of writing, there's really no telling what is causing this glitch, and how players are managing to exploit it. What we know for sure, however, is that it is game-breaking; you can't shoot what you can't see, after all...

Famous Call of Duty content creator, JGOD, shared a clip of an invisible player in a Warzone Season 4 Reloaded match on Twitter.

Furthermore, a Reddit thread showcases yet another player using the invisibility glitch. There's no telling how widespread this issue is right now.

With that being said, the longer this invisible players glitch remains in Warzone, the more likely it is that it will spread, infecting Verdansk while players wait for a hotfix. We can't help but wonder what will be temporarily removed this time around to get the glitch under control.

At the time of writing, neither developer Treyarch nor publisher Activision has made an official response about the return of the infamous Warzone invisibility glitch or bug.

Whatever we want to call it at this point, the only thing we know for sure is that Verdansk has some invisible players, likely ruining the Season 4 Reloaded experience for others.

Want to know more about Warzone Season 4 Reloaded? Then check out our dedicated Call of Duty section, featuring guides, best loadouts, weapon tier lists and much more

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