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Best Hope Summers Decks In Marvel Snap

Known as the Mutant Messiah, Hope Summers joins Marvel Snap, changing up strategies to its maximum capacity, so here are her best decks.
Best Hope Summers Decks In Marvel Snap
(PIcture: Second Dinner / GINX)

Marvel Snap's March 2024 season, Avengers vs. X-Men, introduced a bevy of new cards that players can anticipate acquiring throughout the season. While many cards can be claimed by progressing through the Collection levels and unlocking them via the Spotlight Caches, one card will always be available as a Season Pass reward.

For this new season, the Season Pass reward card is the ever-powerful mutant, Hope Summers, with a variant card available as a Level 50 Season Pass reward. But how does her comic book powers play into her abilities in-game as we explained the card's abilities and look at her best decks in Marvel Snap.

Marvel Snap Hope Summers Card Abilities Explained

Hope Summers is a three-cost, four-power card in Marvel Snap whose abilities can be extremely powerful and valuable for players needing some extra power to play with. Once Hope Summers is on the board, any card played at the exact location as Hope Summers will grant them +1 Energy on the next turn.

This condition shouldn't be too difficult for players to achieve, as we've seen with similar cards like Angela and Elsa Bloodstone, while Bishop offers a similar effect at other locations. As such, players should be able to maximize the card's energy-gaining capabilities, making her inclusion in Ramp and Bounce decks more appealing.

Best Marvel Snap Hope Summers Decks: Kitty Pryde Bounce

Put a new spin on the Bounce archetype by adding Hope Summers to maximize energy gained and simultaneously increase Kitty Pryde's power. (Picture: Untapped.gg)

Perhaps the best card to play with Hope Summers is Kitty Pryde, which grants players +1 Energy on each turn played at the exact location, while Pryde gains +1 Energy. This play can be repeated on every round throughout the game, especially once Angela and Bishop are on board to further bank on energy gained.

This allows players to play cheaper cards like Nightcrawler, The Hood, Nico Minoru, and Angela once Hope Summers is played. These cards can return to their hand when Falcon or Beast is played, as the latter will return all cards to their hand, costing one less.

A tech card like Valkyrie can be held until the final moments to counter high-power cards, excluding ongoing cards like Ronan the Accuser, Devil Dinosaur, and Darkhawk. Playing Valkyrie also lets them steal location priority away from an opponent, but it can buff low-powered cards on board to secure the victory. 

Best Marvel Snap Hope Summers Decks: Galactus Junk

Junk doesn't have to be boring when Hope Summers is in play, allowing to play critical cards early, especially once Ravonna Renslayer has been played. (Picture: Untapped.gg)

Bounce and Ramp decks aren't the only archetypes that can benefit from Hope Summers' energy-gaining capabilities. In fact, Junk decks can also maximize this card's ability, allowing players to play more cards to restrict their opponent's space and prevent them from gaining lane priority.

Having Ravonna Renslayer on board from Turn 2 onwards will reduce the costs for Green Goblin and Hobgoblin, which is when Hope Summers comes into play. These cards can be played much earlier than anticipated, even in the same turn, to maximize the energy gained for that turn.

Players must ensure that The Hood and Sentry have been played before Annihilus joins the fray. Depending on the situation, this will allow them to finish the game either with Shang-Chi, Alioth, or Galactus if it's the only card at a location to guarantee a win.

Best Marvel Snap Hope Summers Decks: InSheNaut

Adding Hope Summers ensures players can maximize disruption to their opponent's game plan. (Picture: Untapped.gg)

This She-Hulk/Infinaut deck gained immense popularity following the release of the High Evolutionary card, and now it is getting a massive boost thanks to Hope Summers. While still striving to disrupt plays with Armor, Cosmo, and Leech, they can get these cards onto the board reasonably early once Hope Summers has been played.

Playing cards to limit their opponent's plays is one of the main areas to focus on, especially with Destroy decks, by playing Armor and Cosmo to limit their cards' abilities. This allows them to play Sunspot and Nebula to start setting up their plays for lane priority, especially since they won't have to be concerned about saving energy to play big cards.

As players can still disrupt their opponent's game plan with evolved Cyclops to reduce their card's power, Leech will disrupt their plays by removing all abilities from their hands. All that's left is to play She-Hulk, The Infinaut, and evolved Hulk behind Armor, if possible, and claim a victory.

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