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Best Kitty Pryde Decks In Marvel Snap

These are the best Kitty Pryde decks in Marvel Snap!
Best Kitty Pryde Decks In Marvel Snap

Kitty Pryde is one of the newest upcoming cards that will be added to Series 5 in Marvel Snap. Players can return Kitty Pryde to their hand in order to gain an additional two power. Because Kitty Pryde starts at zero power, it is important to activate this effect as much as possible over the course of a game in order to get the full value of the card. However, if you are able to build a deck around Kitty Pryde that can support her ability, she can become very powerful very quickly. 

So, if you are interested in building a deck with Kitty Pryde, we have the information you need. This article will cover the best Kitty Pryde decks in Marvel Snap, including deck lists, speculative strategies, and more!

Marvel Snap
Kitty Pryde is a Series 5 card coming in March of 2023. (Picture: Nuverse)

Best Kitty Pryde Decks In Marvel Snap

The best Kitty Pryde decks in Marvel Snap are those that can effectively make use of her unique ability. Because Kitty Pryde's ability activates whenever she returns to your hand, the most obvious archetype to include her in would be a bounce deck. Bounce decks involve returning multiple cards on the field to your hand in order to gain benefits or reduce their cost for late. 

Alternatively, because Kitty Pryde is a scaling card with only one cost, she feels right at home in a zoo deck alongside similar cards like Angela. 

Bounce Deck 

Bounce decks, as mentioned, involve returning cards to your hand in order to buff them or other cards on the field. Additionally, by using cards like Beast, the cards returned to your hand will have their energy cost reduced, allowing you to play a lot more cards in a single turn as the game comes to a close. 

Bounce Deck List:

Marvel Snap
Use Beast to return cards to your hand and reduce their cost. (Picture: Nuverse)

Zoo Deck 

Kitty Pryde shares a lot of similarities with a card like Angela. Both start at very low power but scale by two once certain conditions have been met. Angela sees lots of play in zoo and Sera Miracle decks, so it is likely Kitty Pryde will find a niche there as well. 

Zoo Deck List:

And these are the best Kitty Pryde decks in Marvel Snap!

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