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Best Zero Decks In Marvel Snap

These are some of the best Zero decks in Marvel Snap to help you reach Infinite!
Best Zero Decks In Marvel Snap

At first glance, Zero is not a very good card in Marvel Snap. On Reveal, Zero will remove the abilities and effects from the next card you play. Abilities are what make cards in Marvel Snap powerful, and unless you are playing a Patriot deck, there really isn't much benefit to removing the abilities from your own cards. However, several cards in Marvel Snap have detrimental abilities to offset incredibly unbalanced stats. For example, Red Skull boasts a whopping fifteen power for only five energy, with the caveat that enemy cards at the same location get plus two power. 

By building a deck of cards with negative effects that can then be removed by Zero, it is very possible to create a competitive deck! So, if you are ready to start using Zero, you've come to the right place. This article will cover the best Zero decks in Marvel Snap, including deck lists, strategies, and more!

The Best Zero Decks In Marvel Snap 

The best Zero decks in Marvel Snap are those that can effectively utilize his On Reveal ability. Zero is no good in a deck filled with cards with useful abilities. Instead, players will want to populate their deck with high-statted cards that have negative effects, which Zero can then remove. 

Shuri Red Skull Deck

Shuri is currently one of the most powerful cards in Marvel Snap. Shuri and Red Skull are a force to be reckoned with in today's metagame and sit comfortably at the top of tier one. Zero has a wide variety of uses in this deck, being able to support your early game by removing the negative effects from Lizard or Titania. Alternatively, for those without Sauron, Zero can be used to remove the negative effects from more powerful cards like the aforementioned Red Skull or Typhoid Mary. 

Shuri Red Skull Deck List:

Marvel Snap
Zero paired with Typhoid Mary works really well. (Picture: Nuverse)

Dracula Zoo Deck

Zero is also a great card to play in a typical zoo deck. Zero is a one-cost card meaning it gets the benefit of buffs from Ka-Zar. Furthermore, it has very good base stats providing three power for only one energy. The game plan is similar here, and players will want to remove the negative effects from early game cards like Lizard and Titania before allowing Dracula to discard Red Skull as a game-winning finisher. 

Dracula Zoo Deck List:

And these are the best Zero decks in Marvel Snap!

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