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Best Strong Guy Decks In Marvel Snap

These are the best Strong Guy decks in Marvel Snap!
Best Strong Guy Decks In Marvel Snap

Strong Guy is a four-cost four-power card in Marvel Snap with an Ongoing ability that grants it six additional power if your hand is empty. This is a very difficult task to accomplish, and very few standard Marvel Snap games will end with either player having a completely empty hand. For this reason, Strong Guy doesn't see much play in competitive Marvel Snap. However, if you are able to empty your hand somehow consistently, Strong Guy becomes much better, providing ten points of power for only four energy. 

So, if you are ready to start using Strong Guy in Marvel Snap, you've come to the right place! This article will cover the best Strong Guy decks in Marvel Snap, including deck lists, strategies, and more!

Marvel Snap
Blade and Strong Guy have great synergy in a zoo deck. (Picture: Nuverse)

Best Strong Guy Decks In Marvel Snap

The best Strong Guy decks in Marvel Snap are those that can quickly and consistently empty their entire hand. Strong Guy has mediocre stats without activating its ability, so if you plan to run this card, you will need to make sure that dumping your hand can be done regularly. 

Zoo Deck

The first deck where Strong Guy shines is a typical Zoo deck. Zoo decks run a lot of low-cost cards, making it easy to empty your hand over the course of the game. Players can also include cards like Blade, which can be used in the final throws of a match in order to activate Strong Guy's effect. 

America Chavez is great in this deck because she is guaranteed to be drawn on the final turn, allowing you to drop all of your one-cost cards onto the field and use Blade to discard her, thereby emptying your hand. 

Zoo Deck List:

Marvel Snap
Modok and Strong Guy form an excellent team! (Picture: Nuverse)

Modok Deck 

Another option is to use a discard deck in order to empty your hand. While using a deck like this, it is very likely your hand size will continue to diminish over the course of a game. Modok can be used here as a turn-five play that will set up Strong Guy effectively. 

If using Strong Guy, players should not use Apocalypse, as this card will return to your hand, and you won't be able to play another card on turn six. Instead, use America Chavez, ensuring your hand is filled with nothing but Swarms. Then, you can play out all your zero-cost Swarms and America Chavez to empty your hand. 

Modok Deck List:

And these are the best Strong Guy Decks in Marvel Snap!

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