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Best Yellow Jacket Decks In Marvel Snap

These are the best Yellow Jacket decks in Marvel Snap!
Best Yellow Jacket Decks In Marvel Snap

Yellow Jacket is one of two zero-cost cards in Marvel Snap. However, unlike Wasp, which provides one power with no additional benefit for zero energy, Yellow Jacket provides double the power! The caveat is that, on reveal, Yellow Jacket will inflict all other cards at the location he is played with minus one power. Naturally, if you can play Yellow Jacket to a location on his own, you will receive two power for absolutely free. Additionally, if you can find a way to prevent your cards from having their power reduced, Yellow Jacket can be played wherever and whenever you choose. 

So, if you are ready to start using Yellow Jacket in Marvel Snap, you've come to the right place. This article will cover the best yellow Jacket decks in Marvel Snap, including deck lists, strategies, and more. 

Marvel Snap
Luke Cage prevents your other cards from having their power reduced. (Picture: Nuverse)

Best Yellow Jacket Decks In Marvel Snap

The best Yellow Jacket decks in Marvel Snap are those that either do not care about power reduction or can prevent power reduction somehow. Yes, Yellow Jacket could always be saved for a location with no other friendly cards, but this limits its versatility. By playing cards to counteract Yellow Jacket's negative effect, he can be played at any point throughout the game. 

Galactus Deck

Galactus decks often include Knull as their late-game finisher. Knull has the accumulated power of all other cards destroyed in this game. For that reason, Galactus players will often want to get as many cards onto the board as possible with high stat lines. Yellow Jacket works perfectly in this kind of deck, as it does not matter which cards he inflicts with minus one power. After all, when Galactus is played, everything is getting destroyed anyway!

Galactus Deck List:

Marvel Snap
Use Yellow Jacket to eventually increase the power of Knull. (Picture: Nuverse)

Luke Cage Deck

For those not looking to blow up two-thirds of the board, Luke Cage is the best partner for Yellow Jacket. Luke Cage's Ongoing ability prevents your other cards from having their power reduced. this allows you to play cards like Yellow Jacket, Typhoid Mary, and Hazmat with no downside to yourself. 

Luke Cage Deck List:

And those are the best Yellow Jacket decks in Marvel Snap!

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