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Best Marvel Snap Conquest Mode Deck Lists & Strategies

These are the best decks for Conquest Mode in Marvel Snap!
Best Marvel Snap Conquest Mode Deck Lists & Strategies

Marvel Snap's Conquest Mode is finally here, and it is no joke. Players will need to win a total of 11 games in a row in order to achieve victory at Infinity rank, and considering most decks in Marvel Snap never climb above an average 60% win rate, this is going to be a challenge for even the most experienced of Marvel Snap veterans. Marvel Snap's Conquest Mode uses the same rules as Battle Mode. This means each player has a health bar and will need to deplete their enemy's health to zero in order to win. 

Because of this, the decks that are good in normal Marvel Snap aren't necessarily as good in Conquest Mode. Ranked Marvel Snap often requires players to use surprise cards in order to catch opponents out and snag eight cube victories. However, in Conquest Mode, players will be forced to use the same deck each game, so the surprise factor will never work more than once. Decks with consistency and multiple win conditions will often be the best in Conquest Mode. 

So, if you are ready to start winning in Marvel Snap's Conquest Mode, you've come to the right place. This article will cover the best decks to use in Marvel Snap's Conquest Mode. 

Marvel Snap
Players will need to win consecutive games in Conquest Mode. (Picture: Nuverse)

Best Marvel Snap Conquest Mode Deck Lists

As mentioned, players will need to use decks that can win games consistently, even if the opponent knows your strategy and will be playing around it. Decks with multiple win conditions are often best because they allow you to circumvent any counters your opponent might have simply by switching to your backup strategy. Here is a look at some of the best Marvel Snap Conquest Mode decks. 

High Evolutionary Lock

High Evolutionary is a great card and one that has taken the metagame by storm. There are tons of different variations of High Evolutionary decks out there, but the two most prominent are either Lockdown or Lockjaw. Whichever "Lock" you choose to go with is down to your preferred playstyle. If you love slamming huge power onto the board - go with Lockjaw. If you love locking down locations and controlling the game - go with Lockdown. 

High Evolutionary Lockjaw Deck List:

High Evolutionary Lockdown Deck List:

Marvel Snap
Build competitive decks to earn rewards. (Picture: Nuverse)

Sera Control Lock

Ol' Reliable Sera Control never fails to be a consistent deck. With lots of win conditions and tech cards to counter your opponent, this deck is really only ever reliant on locations. 

Sera Control Deck List:

And these are the best Marvel Snap Conquest Mode decks.

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