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Best Bast Decks In Marvel Snap

These are the best Bast decks in Marvel Snap!
Best Bast Decks In Marvel Snap

Bast is a very strong card in Marvel Snap. On Reveal, Bast will set the power of all cards in your hand to three. While this may seem like a detriment to your late-game cards, if you are able to construct a deck to take full advantage of Bast's ability, it can be incredibly powerful. Players running Bast will want to populate their deck with low-power cards in order to get the most benefit from Bast's ability.

So, if you are ready to start using Bast in Marvel Snap, you've come to the right place. This article will cover the best Bast decks in Marvel Snap that you can use to reach Infinite. We will break down strategies, deck lists, and more!

The Best Bast Decks In Marvel Snap

As mentioned, the best Bast decks in Marvel Snap are those that can take full advantage of Bast's unique ability. Players will want to fill their deck with low-power cards such as Ironheart and Adam Warlock. Zero-power cards receive the most benefit from Bast, gaining an additional three power thanks to its effect. 

A lot of cards in Marvel Snap have high energy costs but low power to offset their powerful abilities. Bast takes full advantage of this providing these cards with a much-needed boost to their stats. 

Bast & Mister Negative Deck

As you can imagine, Mister Negative is the perfect partner for Bast. Mister Negative decks primarily run cards with high energy costs and low power. Mister Negative'a ability will then switch these two stats providing you with high-power cards for a very low cost. Unfortunately, Mister Negative's ability only works on cards still in your deck. This means if you are unlucky enough to draw Iron Man in your opening hand, he will not receive the buff. 

Bast is a great supporting card for Mister Negative decks, providing a small buff to the cards that start out in your hand before playing Mister Negative.

Bast & Mister Negative Deck List:

Marvel Snap
Bast works great with cards like Mister Negative and Silver Surfer. (Picture: Nuverse)

Bast & Silver Surfer Deck 

Bast also has great synergy with Silver Surfer, albeit when run in a Mister Negative package. Negative Surfer has always been a very popular deck and tends to run a lot of cards with less than three power, such as Ironheart, Mystique, Wolfsbane, and Brood. Bast performs a similar role here as he does in a standard Mister Negative deck. Bast can provide cards that start in your hand with a small boost to their stats that should offset the lack of a Mister Negative buff. 

Bast & Silver Surfer Deck List:

And these are the best Bast Decks in Marvel Snap!

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