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Best Ultron Decks In Marvel Snap

These are some of the best Ultron decks in Marvel Snap that you can use to reach Infinite!
Best Ultron Decks In Marvel Snap

Ultron is an incredibly powerful card in both the Marvel Universe as a whole and in Marvel Snap. On Reveal, Ultron will fill each other location with 1/1 Drones. While this may not seem like a very powerful effect at first glance, under the right conditions, and with enough support, this ability can be game-winning. So, if you are ready to start using Ultron in Marvel Snap, you've come to the right place. 

This article will cover the best Ultron decks in Marvel Snap that you can use to reach Infinite rank. We will break down the best deck lists, strategies, tips, and more!

Best Ultron decks in Marvel Snap

The best Ultron decks in Marvel Snap are those that can effectively utilize the power of Ultron's Drones. Having only one power, it is down to the player to buff these Drones in order to win the remaining locations. Because of this, Ultron doesn't see very much use outside of these kinds of buffing deck archetypes. However, Ultron is one of the primary win conditions in these types of decks, so long as you manage to maneuver around Killmonger. 

Marvel Snap
Ultron fills each of your other locations with Drones. (Picture: Nuverse)

Patriot Deck

Ultron sees the most play in Patriot decks, where he is a primary win condition. It is entirely possible to win using this deck by playing only Patriot, Mystique, and Ultron. However, there is no harm in playing other powerful cards as well along the way. Patriot decks rely on cards with no abilities. These cards can then be buffed using Patriot, Mystique, Onslaught, and Blue Marvel.

There is very little strategy with this deck, as none of your cards have any abilities. The only thing to remember is to avoid bunching up your Ongoing effects in one location. While this does make Onslaught more powerful, it opens you up to Enchantress.

Patriot Deck List:

Marvel Snap
Ultron works great with Patriot or Dazzler. (Picture: Nuverse)

Dazzler Deck

Ultron is great at filling up locations, so running it in conjunction with cards like Dazzler and Mojo, who benefit from having entire locations filled, is a great strategy. Dazzler is a little difficult to obtain at the moment, but for those lucky enough to have her, your opponent will never see this coming!

Dazzler Deck List:

And these are the best Ultron decks in Marvel Snap!

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