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Best Jeff the Baby Land Shark Decks In Marvel Snap

These are the best Jeff the Baby Land Shark Decks in Marvel Snap!
Best Jeff the Baby Land Shark Decks In Marvel Snap

Jeff the Baby Land Shark is a two-cost three-power card in Marvel Snap with two signature abilities. The first ability is that Jeff can be moved once after being played (similar to Nightcrawler). The second is that nothing can stop Jeff from being added to any location, if possible. Jeff still cannot circumvent the four-card limit at each location, but effects like Spider-Man, Professor X, or Miniaturized Lab will not stop Jeff from going where he pleases!

So, if you are ready to start using Jeff the Baby Land Shark in Marvel Snap, you've come to the right place! This article will cover the best Jeff the Baby Land Shark decks in Marvel Snap, including deck lists, strategies, and more!

Marvel Snap
Jeff can be played anywhere - even on a Professor X location. (Picture: Nuverse)

Best Jeff the Baby Land Shark Decks In Marvel Snap

The best Jeff the Baby Land Shark decks in Marvel Snap are hard to pin down. Jeff has a ton of potential to do well in a wide variety of decks, thanks to its ability to nullify location and enemy card effects. 

However, because players cannot rely on their opponent to lock down locations, thereby allowing Jeff to shine, it becomes the player's responsibility to lock down locations and then make use of Jeff's ability to its full effect. Therefore, it seems like control decks may be the best place to utilize Jeff optimally. 

Control Deck

Lockdown decks involve sealing off locations with cards like Storm, Spider-Man, and Professor X, thereby preventing your opponent from playing cards or forcing them to play in certain locations (and countering them with Shang-Chi). Storm and Juggernaut are a great combo and usually can win the flooded location by themselves. Likewise, Daredevil and Professor X also make a great pairing, allowing you to seal off a winning location after seeing your opponent's turn-five play. 

However, in some cases, your power level will come up just short to the point where locking down a location is not possible. In such instances, Jeff can provide just the push you need to win and maybe snatch an eight-cube victory from an unsuspecting opponent. 

Control Deck List:

Ongoing Control Deck List:

Marvel Snap
Jeff can move once to activate the effects of cards like Miles Morales. (Picture: Nuverse)

Move Deck 

Because Jeff can be moved once, the card could also do well in a Move deck. Jeff can easily help to activate the abilities of cards like Miles Morales or Kraven and can be yet another early-game option.

Move Deck List:

And these are the best Jeff the Baby Land Shark decks in Marvel Snap!

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