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How To Add Custom Tags To Garages In GTA Online

Here, we will teach you everything you need to know about custom tags for garages in GTA Online.
How To Add Custom Tags To Garages In GTA Online

In GTA Online, there are a lot of features that players will have to manage. From your contact list to the various vehicles that you have to the various business you run, there is actually a lot of different things you need to manage in GTA Online. With all the various updates that GTA Online has, it can be tough to manage everything.

But Rockstar has heard the complaints, and they are working on improving the game for the players. For example, the San Andreas Mercenaries DLC not only brought in a lot of new content but also quality-of-life fixes as well. One of the new ones is custom garage tags. Here, we will go over everything you need to know about custom garage tags in GTA Online.

What Are Custom Tags For Garages In GTA Online?

GTA Online Custom Tags For Garages
Players that have a lot of cars might benefit from custom tags in GTA Online. (Picture: Rockstar Games)

Before the launch of the new San Andreas Mercenaries DLC, Rockstar put out a post saying that they are bringing a lot of quality-of-life improvements for GTA Online with the new DLC. One of these improvements is for vehicles, and it is custom tags for garages. Essentially, this will make sorting out your various vehicles much easier.

When you select a garage for the mechanic to pick up your car, you will only get the names of each garage. The names do not really tell you anything, and it can be confusing to know what vehicle is where. The custom tags allow you to essentially rename the garage to whatever you see fit on your phone.

How To Set Custom Tags For Garages In GTA Online

GTA Online Custom Garage Tags
Setting up custom tags for your garages in GTA Online is pretty easy. (Picture: Rockstar Games)

Thankfully, setting the new custom tags is actually pretty easy. The first thing you will want to do is pull out your in-game phone and call the mechanic. The list of garages you have cars parked in will be pulled up. Select one of the garages, and a new option to add a custom garage tag will be available. Set up the tag for the garage within 15 characters, save it, and you are good to go.

Custom tags are a great way to keep all of your vehicles organized. Let us say that one of your garages is filled with motorcycles. You can set up your custom tag to "Motorcycle Garage" or something similar, and you will know what you are looking at. So long as the mechanic can pull vehicles out of that garage, you can use custom tags for that garage.

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