In GTA Online, the iFruit is one of the most important tools that you have in the game. The iFruit has so many uses for the various missions that you do in the game. This is because people will contact you through your iFruit to help lead and guide you through a mission.
But what happens when you are done talking to someone for a long time? Their contacts usually will clutter up your iFruit making it messy to deal with. In the Los Santos Drug Wars DLC, Rockstar made it possible to organize your iFruit contacts. Here, we will go over how you can clean up and organize your iFruit in GTA Online.
How To Set Favorite Contacts On iFruit In GTA Online
Setting up your contact list to only show who you want to see on your iFruit is one of the biggest quality-of-life improvements that players have been asking for. This is especially because random players who are in your lobby will appear on your iFruit and most of the time, you do not want them on your in-game phone.
But Rockstar has taken notice of this and players can now set favorite contacts on their iFruit. Fixing up your contacts is not that difficult to do. You actually do not need to open up your in-game phone to set up your iFruit contacts. What you need to do first is actually open up the interaction menu.
Once you do that, scroll and select inventory. From there, you will see a new option named "Phone Contact Favorites" that you can select. Select that and then you can checkmark those who you want to see on your iFruit.
Who Can I Set As Favorites On My iFruit?
Anyone you see on your iFruit normally is who you can set as your favorite to appear on your in-game phone. That means that if you want your iFruit to only have Lester, the mechanic, Pegasus, and the Insurance, then you can. You can fully customize your iFruit contacts for whatever needs you have on GTA Online.
Just a small note that the players are all one toggle. So if you have players check marked as a favorite, you will get a list of all the players in your session. Unchecking players as your iFruit favorites means you will see no players on your iFruit contacts. There is no in-between for player settings on the iFruit where you can only see a couple of them.
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