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GTA Online Warning: Bunker Glitch Is Deleting Vehicles

GTA Online players are reporting a game-breaking bug causing vehicles to be lost after entering the Bunker in the San Andreas Mercenaries DLC update.
GTA Online Warning: Bunker Glitch Is Deleting Vehicles

A recurring glitch in Rockstar Games' popular online multiplayer action-adventure game, Grand Theft Auto Online (GTA Online), has resurfaced in the latest Title Update 1.67: San Andreas Mercenaries, inciting mass frustration among the player community.

Specifically, the game-breaking bug is causing issues with the Bunker, an important Business hub for players to earn money in the game. It sees players' vehicles being permanently deleted upon entering the facility with their personal vehicles or customizing them in any way.

As reported by Twitch streamer HazardousHDTV on Twitter, "Entering your Bunker will result in a glitch that permanently deletes any personal vehicles (cars and aircraft) that you had spawned on the map. They will no longer be accessible from the garage you had them stored in as they are completely wiped from your account."

The streamer added, "This affects all platforms. Right now, it’s best to avoid your Bunker entirely until Rockstar patches this game-breaking bug so you do not lose your multimillion-dollar vehicles." As mentioned, the Bunker is a significant component of the game’s economy, allowing players to make money passively by running arms-dealing businesses.

However, rather than enabling money-making operations, the Bunker glitch in GTA Online's new Mercenaries DLC is causing players to lose their hard-earned stock of cars. It's worth noting that this glitch is not new to the GTA Online community.

In September 2020, players reported being unable to complete sales when performing Gunrunning Missions, a key activity associated with the Bunker business. Despite assurances from Rockstar Support that a hotfix was deployed, players continued to experience difficulties, and some even suggested that the issue could be related to other players in the same game session​.

This recurrent issue highlights the complexity of maintaining an online multiplayer game like GTA Online, where minor glitches can significantly impact players' experience. While Rockstar Games has historically been responsive to such issues, the reappearance of this glitch signals a potential need for more robust, long-term solutions to recurring game bugs.

The GTA Online community continues to be vigilant in reporting these issues and is hopeful for a prompt resolution. Until then, players are advised to avoid the Bunker for the time being and report any potential losses due to this glitch to Rockstar Games' Support Team.

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