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Best Omega Red Decks In Marvel Snap

These are the best Omega Red decks in Marvel Snap!
Best Omega Red Decks In Marvel Snap

Omega Red is a potentially very powerful card in Marvel Snap. Omega Red has an Ongoing ability that will give plus four power to each other location so long as you are ahead by at least ten power wherever Omega Red is played. If you are able to activate Omega Red's ability, along with the five power attached to the card itself, Omega Red provides thirteen power for only four energy! Of course, Omega Red will require the right support cards in order to push your power high enough to remain ahead by ten power at all times. 

So, if you are ready to start using Omega Red in Marvel Snap, you've come to the right place. This article will cover the best Omega Red decks in Marvel Snap, including deck lists, strategies, and more!

Marvel Snap
Use Omega Red in a Spectrum Ongoing deck. (Picture: Nuverse)

Best Omega Red Decks In Marvel Snap

The best Omega Red decks in Marvel Snap are those that feature powerful cards that can push your power miles ahead in a single location. For Omega Red's ability to activate, players will need to be ahead by ten power consistently up until the end of the game. For this reason, playing large cards like Red Skull or The Infinaut is sometimes a must. Alternatively, using cards like Iron Man to push forward even more, are often essential when trying to keep Omega Red's ability active. 

Omega Red Ongoing Deck

Omega Red usually sees the most play in Ongoing decks. Because Omega Red has an Ongoing ability, it can gain the benefit from cards like Spectrum on the final turn, which may be just enough to push ahead by ten power. The main reason Omega Red works well in this deck is because of Warpath (which is a four-cost nine-power card) and Iron Man (which is able to double your total power at this location. Professor X can also be used to lock down Omega Red's location, ensuring that your opponent can no longer de-activate Omega Red's ability. 

Omega Red Ongoing Deck List:

Marvel Snap
Iron Man is great to use alongside Omega Red. (Picture: Nuverse)

Omega Red Electro Ramp Deck 

Electro Ramp is another great deck to use with Omega Red. This deck is able to get large cards onto the board several turns earlier, allowing players to play two six-cost cards in a single game. The deck runs very powerful cards with high power, which will usually be enough to keep Omega Red's ability activated. 

Omega Red Electro Ramp Deck List:

And these are the best Omega Red Decks in Marvel Snap!

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