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Can You Change Gender In Diablo 4? Is It Locked Once You Start?

Wondering how to change your gender in Diablo 4? Whether you're switching from male to female or vice versa, here's how.
Can You Change Gender In Diablo 4? Is It Locked Once You Start?

If you have created your character in Diablo 4 and played through a bit of the game but later want to change some aspects of your character's identity outside of their stats, such as their appearance or gender, you are definitely not alone. With the recent release of the game, many players have been wondering how to change their character's gender, and where to find this option in the game's settings or menus.

In this article, we'll walk you through your options for changing your character's gender from male to female or vice versa in Diablo 4.

diablo 4 gender
In Diablo 4, many players wonder if they can change their character's gender. (Picture: Blizzard Entertainment)

Can You Change Your Gender In Diablo 4 After You've Started?

Unfortunately, your character's gender is something that you can't change after you've made them in Diablo 4. There are many things that you can change about your character after character creation, from adding makeup to changing other appearance aspects, but gender isn't one of them. If you want to play a character who is a different gender, you'll need to make an entirely new character and set their gender as the one you want during character creation.

While this feature isn't in the game right now; it's possible that Blizzard Entertainment could venture to add it in the future if enough players ask for it. For now, though, with no word from Blizzard, we have no reason to assume that this feature is in the works, nor that it will be added soon.

It's worth noting that gender in Diablo 4 doesn't affect a player's stats in any way, and instead only affects appearance. That said, there are still many players who would like the opportunity to change their character's gender to create the character they want.

For now, there's no way to change your character's gender in Diablo 4; instead, you'll need to make an entirely new character who is a different gender and play as them. However, because there are shared loot stashes in Diablo 4, it might make it a little easier to get started with a character you haven't played before, so don't be afraid to start up a new character.

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